Monday, March 10, 2008

Waves of change

Malaysians have spoken.

Through the ballots. of course.

Gentlemen, buckle up. Brace for impact.


izat said...

apamacam nie???...penang,kedah,perak,selangor....out....nak ambik kelantan last-last....5 state pegi ke opposition party.rakyat dah bersuara....this is the real naik....that's what the people say.tun dr m pun mengaku dlm. youtube...dia kenakan anwar(3months prior to election)just to spark it all up again.....this is politics .

Anonymous said...

if you haven't noticed that people voted against bn out of spite. it's like nobody cares to do whats best for the country anymore, what they want to do is to go against the government, just to prove a point, just cause they believe what others say. it is like nobody can think for themselves, nobody has a mind of their own, and it doesnt help that other people keep on criticising the pm now that this is the state we are in. i don't know what we're turning into, but it sure as hell is heartbreaking. i wish we'd just take a moment to think, it does not take much, it really doesnt. this wasn't the rakyat speaking. this was hatred and stupidity more than anything else. it is heartbreaking, because a few of us actually still love this country, and wish only for whats best for us.

Upiq said...

Whatever reasons it may seemed, people vote based on what they see, how they feel and what they think it's the right choice.

Eventhough there are various channels to gather info, we must admit that there's a limit how far people will know what's right and what's wrong. all of the info we get are fabricated, massaged,twisted and far from reality. Some may get the access to the truth but i bet majority of the people are being misled every single day of their lives by the politicians.

No doubt, the past govt have done so much for us but they may also neglect so much too.

I may sound naive and inexperience as i have never been involved in the politics trade but i hope malaysians will accept the impact of the choice that they have made.

I am still feeling jittery over the result. the first visible effect is the KLSE composite yesterday. More will come, in good and bad.

Anonymous said...

I was bloghopping and couldn't help responding to anon 7.07pm’s comment.

These are my points:

This is a mass revolt. It was not done of spite but for people, including BN supporters, to show the govt that they have not been listening to the rakyat. Pak Lah has turned a deaf ear over and over again.
It precisely because of our love for this country that this was done. Tak sanggup lagi tengok harta2 dijual to temasek. On top of that, Proton/GeviSpa, new airplane, WPI, Pantai, the bridge, ECM Libra’s blatant insider dealing, Air Asia/MAS, sessi belayar bersama Jean Todd while Johoreans were suffering dll.
This is not a mere case of listening and believing what others say. We experience it. Harga2 barang naik melambung2 despite the govt’s assurance that economic growth is healthy. Cost of living ridiculously high. Nearly impossible to get govt contracts anymore coz KJ dah habis distribute to cronies, so no tender. Contractor Class F boleh gulung tikar.
We think and we read and we analyse, and yes we love our country. thats why we made this decision.

If there’s any stupidity, it is those people who still believe that Pak Lah is not accountable, that he shouldn't be criticised and he should still be in power.

Upiq said...

Good opinion.

We must continue giving more constructive criticisms and less personal attack to individuals or past mistakes. We hope to learn from our past and improve while moving forward.

I hope the govt cyber watchers will pick-up some of the points in here as inputs from the rakyat.

Anonymous said...

ok lah friend. you're right. now i support whoever u support! surely itu orang sebersih-bersih manusia! aku doa kau dapat projek dan segala apa yang kau mau sekarang. bodoh punya paklah. bodoh punya kj. bodoh punya ecm dan lain-lain. -anon 7.07

Anonymous said...

aku kat sini melawat je, tapi saje la nak tanya pasal jumpe posting ni. Aku pertama kali jumpe org yang sokog paklah dalam dunia cyber ni (anonymous yg pertama bagi komen). rasa pelik pun ada. sebab kalau tidak semua yang aku baca yang anti kerajaan... lepas tu aku rasa nak tanya..dan rasa pelik..kenapa dulu masa dr.m is the pm dunia cyber tak menggila macam ni....tapi aku rasa masa dulu, tetap wujud kronisme dan korupsi dan segala apa lagi la ayatnye aku pun tak reti jugok.. dulu nye kalau buat terus kena isa.. kelakar rasenya, skang bile pm baru tak buat begitu...takde orang nak lihat baik dia..atau demokrasi die...semua tetap tak kene...yg dulu jadi isu, tapi dah ditanganin oleh kerajaan bn baru bawah pimpinan pak lah,takde siape yang ambil peduli,takde satu pun blog yang sebut pasal kebaikan ini...lalu membuktikan...orang kita hanya lihat apa yang mahu dilihat...dan selalunya apa yang kita mahu lihat hanyalah keburukan orang yang kita tidak suka.. bagi aku..dr.m bagus..walau korup dan kadang2 begitu jelas dengkinya..sebab beliau tegas dan tak peduli siapa yang beliau kurung asalkan org itu tidak kacau pentadbiran beliauu... biar kejam tapi aku suka... ok lah aku pun dah melalut...walau aku mengarut....aku rasa ada juga faedah kauorang pikirkan apa aku kata walaupun bahasa aku tak sedewa mane... kesimpulannya....undilah aku calon parti bebas pada pilihanraya akan datangggg yehaaaaaaaaa