Sunday, August 19, 2007

15th Hot Air Balloon Championship

My family was at the 15th Hot Air Balloon Championship which was held not far from our house, which is only about 2 km away. This championship was organized by the FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale) and CIA (Commission Internationale d'Aérostation). Held annually in Magdeburg at the Elbauenpark. As many as 30 nations and about 800 air-sportsmen took part in this championship. The highlight was the balloon glow at night and performances by Boney M and various German artists. What a nostalgic listening to Boney M singing Sunny, Rasputin, Holiday, Daddy Cool and not forgetting, By the River of Babylon. I'm sure you guys still remember this disco-dance repertoires!!! OK, enjoy these pictures below.

This is my little daughter - Farah - who's turning 4 this October 07.
This is dedicated to all men reading this...

and this is for their children...


Centre stage. This is a german singer, however Boney M was performing too. You can watch Boney M performing at the end of this page.

Elbauenpark at dusk...


Upiq said...


best siottt....

Kalau PW clan ader kat situ, sure baloon tuh dah kena rembat smpi Msia...

JeannLiew | Luminnej said...

Hi Fatin,

WOW, time flies! Farah is so grown up already since the last time we met-:) Turning out to be a pretty little girl!


Upiq said...


You should enrol Farah to Boris Becker Tennis Academy when she turns 4, let her learn some good tennis lesson, so that when she comes back to Msia, she can kick Seok Har's butt.

(Mak dia 4 taun kena kerah tgh court... mencungap2 beb.... lain kali datang awal sket ke court, ek? kalau tak lain keliling court smpi muntahh... hahaha)

Upiq said...

Eh... Jennifer Liew..!!!! MTV gurl...

Welcome... welcome....

How are you...?? Hows your twin? hehe...

Anonymous said...


I want to send Farah to tennis academy, but she prefers football... We were fighting over tv remote control last night cos she wanted to watch EuroCup Qualifying Round between Germany and England. Germany won 2:1... She's satisfied with the result! Tell me should it be tennis or football???

Anonymous said...

yup, she grown up now. and guess what? I'm going to have another one!!! Due end of March 08...

Anonymous said...

Congrats Fatin!!

Anonymous said...

thanks yong... u bila nak tambah lagi satu? bg upiq jaga la pulak....

Anonymous said...

Sekrg nih pun mmg Upiq yang jaga Faiq...hehehe..sebab mama dia garang!!

Last year I suggested nak tambah, he said, "sedangkan Faiq nih pun u takleh handle, nak tambah konon!!"

This year, bila dia cam ala2 tanya Faiq, "FAiq nak adik??!", I buat dono jer...hahaha!!