Monday, November 5, 2007

Deepavali... 8/11/2007


Deepavalli holiday is coming.

Ejay ader kat Bangi.

Raya gathering kita blom buat lagi.

Ader apa2 plan tak?

I suggest we take this chance to have a get together (tak kira dimana) dan kita ajak seramai kawan2 yang boleh yg tak termasuk lam blog kita nih e.g. Jeli, Ed, Sawo, Hanif Mirza, Azam, Jibam, Muharam, Din Tua, Somad, etc etc. Semua2 yg dalam blog nih diwajibkan hadir kecuali yg duk overseas dan out of KL/Selangor/kerja (cam fassek nih).

Kos pembiayaan get together nih kita akan tong2 sesama sendiri. It can be jumpa kat mamak, picnic kat air terjun/pantai, pot luck, someone's house generous enough to host an open house (we'l chip in duit raya to the host, dun worry) etc etc.


Let's do it...!!!

1 comment:

k said...

vanakam, wanna wish everyone during this festival of lights many happy returns of the day, may upiq and his cheena journey continues, may his mom improve and be on her feet to joget, may aiie and his babe attend more concerts, may nilki come home soon and play golf with me, may eddie become prof madya, may ejay be cikgu besar, may all keep on continue playing tennis, may i get more interesting commissions....hehe...