Monday, November 12, 2007

Fun, Food and Friends

Our potluck raya gathering was held on the Deepavali day. Barring last minute pull outs (macam si Eddie Poyo tuh), those who came for the event enjoyed the fun, food and friends. Nothing beats the joy of connecting with partners-in-crime.

Food galore..!!

(Vadei & kacang rebus tuh Keat yg bawak)... yg paling laris, 'Akok' (bottom left)...

More food for everyone... satay Hj Samuri.. yum yum...

Makan time. Korang tengok gigi Keat tuh. hodoh betul.

Bachuk's and Jeli's. Bersopan jer cara Yat duduk, kan?

PW clan next generation. Bergaduh sakan rebut medicine ball.

Perut sudah kenyang. Jeli senyum control hensem (nampak gigi jer wehh...).

One for the album.

Anyway, i would like to thank Keat+Mary (the first ones to arrive), Jeli + family, Bachuk + family, Ejay + hyper kid, Tabira + family, Pelepek (u made it, mann) and Fassek (caya lu... tuang keje just to be with us) for gracing the event.

We regret that Ed, Araya, Rusty, Jibam, Eddie (invigilate exam konon), Sawo, Hanif couldn't make it due to various reasons.

I hope this event marked as the beginning of better things for all of us. We spoke many things during the gathering and i wish i could share with y'all in here. Nevertheless, whenever anyone comes to KL, please contact us. Let's make it a point to meet-up and we'll try to arrange some kind of lepak session together.

We wish to see more of you joining us in the next event.


k said...

emmm, siapa rembat t shirt FTG i tuh????? lol.

anyway, seriously, it was awesome, the food and the company..really. i think the food is really interesting and simple. the comapny also gilerrr..hehe.

upeq, yr house memang cool la...grand siott! i like...thanks to u and datin for hosting ok?!

btw, nak mintak nih....recipe dessert CHEEENAH itu....hehehe.

Upiq said...

Keat, ko rembat baju fassek, ek? baik ko simpan balik, kalau tak fassek soh ko sapu bilik 14 kali...

The dessert is our secret weapon.. nnt ko dtg, wa buat lagi...

Sesape tak dtg tuh mmg rugi... siap ngan teh tarik lagi tuhhhh... sesape nak vadei, masih ader baki lagiiiii...


k said...

alahhh...kedekut ilmu. hehe. takpe, i akan stay back after wedding orang dan tanye chef kat restoran cheeenah itu... GONG CHARN TONG!!!!

Anonymous said...

KEat, jangan laa panggil I datin..malu lar.

U nak recipe dessert CHEENAH itu??! You gi Tesco tanya Fassek kat mana canned food section..mesti you jumpa..hehehe. Pastuh just add lemon :o)

Upiq said...


Mohd Nizam bin Mohd Taha said...

Sorry friends...Aku tak dapat attend u all punya gath...masa tu pkl ~4.00 aku terstuck kat Nilai, Jam punya pasal. Damn!

nilki said...

keep on ..Keat ..hang belum penah organise Chinese New Year Open House...last skali ko buat acara buka puasa kat Dsara..
Upik..carry on these.....

Upiq said...

nilki : carry on aper? next one, many more must come... maybe at another house too...

I pledge to everyone in spreading any gathering news at your own will to the ones you're still in contact. Last time, Ejay did a good job in attracting the crowd. More involvement and support from everyone are always appreciated.