Monday, February 25, 2008

Mah Jong anyone?

This is officially my sixth week of graping (menganggur daaa). And yesss I do have waaayyyy too much free time to firstly, play Mah Jong on my PC and secondly, posting an entry and boasting about my winning games in this blog.

This Mah Jong game brings back memories of kedai video game (no longer exists) at Sungai Dua road just in front of the USM main gate (still main gate ke sekarang? Pow, please confirm on this. I remember frequent visitors to this game shop like Nilki, Jasz, Salim, Binchet, Dakdil etc etc. Paling takleh lupa, muka nyonya tu everytime I wanted to claim my winning bets. She would get up from her chair dengan muka masamnya and walk towards the machine I was playing with to verify how much she had to pay me and would then give the signal to 'cuci' (reset the score) the Mah Jong machine which simply means that I have to press a hidden switch/button somewhere above the coin slot. Winning Rm2 or RM3 from just Rm0.20 punya modal was such a pleasure back then. Tak gitu Nilki?

Such a time-wasting this place was that some of us used to lepak there while waiting for buka puasa at the Mesjid (makan nasi free atas talam).

Some screenshots of my winning games.

p/s: Nilki, if u want this game, lemme know. I can email it to you hehe..


Upiq said...

aku blaja main raiden kat kedai nyonya tuh larrr smpi datang balik KL pon orang dok keliling nak tiru taktik...

siang dan malam kat situ susun syiling elok2... insert coin..

menang RM2-3?? uihhhh... enjoy sakan dah masa tuh...


juhair said...

ada sorang lagi pelanggang tetap .. mat weng ..

aiie said...

betul kato juhe tapi..ado 3 org hardcore gamers!!

1. mat weng - cikgu kat mckk
2. Dr. ramli - dermatologist kat GH penang
3. sam ebizar - pharmacist

Upiq said...

wehhh... wa jumpa mat weng minggu lepas during RMC-MCKK hockey match..

dia kena jaga bebudak hoki..

malangnya, aku lupa nak amik nombor and gambar dia... tapi aku sempat bagi dia blog add and no phone aku... hoepfully, dia call larr..


Upiq said...
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nilki said...

Ha haa..sume yg kaki games memang boley pakai..
pssttt..tolong forward games to kat
tapi mesin actual masih ada..
kat singapore ade (Parkway parade Entertainment) nanti aku amik gambaq..Tak silap kat Amcorp mall pun ada..Untuk hiburan je..tak boleh suruh dia CUCI..

Manure11 said...

gulp nilki... i've just noticed this game is like 150Mb in size lerr... ko hantar CD kosong la kat aku pastu aku post kat ko hahaha..

Upiq said...


Klu nilki dpt game nih, abis larrr...

tak gie tutorial larr jawabnyerrr...