Friday, February 15, 2008

Penang CNY 2008 - Masjid Kapitan Keling

During my last trip here, i didn't enter the mosque. However, this time around we went to pray for Zohor at the mosque. Ironically, i had never been inside the mosque even back then. Thus, it was like a new expereince to me to see the ancient mosque closely. I bet not many of us have been inside too.

The dome

Ablution area.

Dah lamer gua tak amik air sembahyang kat kolah terbuka camnih. Kena mencangkung baiii. Sape2 yg perut besar tuh, kena tahan nafas skett... kahkahkah..


I felt strange seeing the crowd. Never had i been to a mosque where the people are mostly with south-asian features. Not a single Malay descent except for my sister-in-law. I felt a sensation of coming back to my roots eventhough technically, i am not a mamak. i'm a Khan, ok. Depa nih hidung mancung2, kulit gelap sket and pakai baju benggali.

Later, we went for nasi kandar beratoq.

(aiie, i think this was the stall you mentioned in your best of Penang food eateries.)

We had kari ayam kampung, kari ayam bandar, ikan goreng, gulai kambing ala kapitan and telur rebus (it's a must if you are eating nasi kandar 'ori'). The gravy is quite light compared to other version of nasi kandar, thus, giving the 'lightness' effect on your meal. Paid RM50++ for 7 adults and 2 kids. Not bad at all. A mixture of locals and tourist throng the humble stall. really humble.

Kenyang. Licin. betul2 licin.


Miss J said...

boleh la
masjid mmg cun

aiie said...

yeah itulah tempat dia tapi ada lagi trick yg tersembunyi!!..siang hari org lain yg jual..tapi at night org lain pulak yg jual.IMHO yang malam punya lagi sedap..they'll start their business like 10pm onwards normally they cater for org kerja malam and post-clubbing party people! time pegi malam!

well taman tun sardon for breakfast memang best tapi kalau rajin boleh pegi transferroad for out-of -this-world punya roti canai.

bon apetit!

Manure11 said...

yea.. was about to tell you tapi aiie was faster. memang siang orang lain jual upiq. so menu also different. tastewise oso different la IMHO. Aku tak pernah pi siang2 punya but malam memang sedappppp.. tambah plak malam minggu. leh cuci mata hehe..

Upiq said...

Adie mmg dah ajak wa pi nasi kandar mlm tuh.. tapi wa yg sajes gie sup hameed sbb wa dah pekena sarip before that...

tapi sup hameed pon best gak... happening giler area tuh... no one one stall show.. hameed dok ada restoran plus khemah2 kat sidewalk...
