The new employer lives in Bukit Gedung and i sent the maid directly to the new employer's house without having to go round-and-round beating the bushes and not even having to call her asking for direction. Hahah... Sap Sap Soey.... She was surprised on how i managed to find her house easily when even her in-laws would have missed her house after umpteen times of visits. So was my wifey, impressed in disbelief how quick we found the place.
Believe it or not, her house is just behind our favourite makan place and the jamming studio was just opposite her house. Hahaha.... termaesek jah...(say it with a kelantan slang). Anyway, enough whining about the maid thingy.
I can share with you more stories personally if you are interested in details or advices on any maid related matters.
Back to Penang story, we were there for less than 24 hours but managed to cover quite a few memorable sites. I took my wife to places we used to frequent in the past and related stories attached to each of the site.
I managed to snap some photos of the places where we used to hang around - enjoying our life in the campus and the island. For the benefit of our spouses, partners et etc i describe a lil' bit about the places, yah?

Immediately after exiting Bukit Gedung traffic light, i saw this...!! It's located at the same row of shophouses block where Victoria Station outlet situated. If VC is on the side facing inside the housing area, then Kassim Mustafa is facing the main road. Initially, i thought that KM has moved out from George Town and relocated its restaurant here, however, after the city tour i had found that KM has expanded with branches all over Penang. I saw at least 3 of KM's outlets including the one in Chulia Street.. (one of our post midnite entertainment makan place...) i'l post its photo later.

Then, on the way to Sg Dua and Pekaka, I stopped here. At 2:00pm in the afternoon, there were already many people queueing up his mee rebus...!!! gila betul.... Wifey asked why is his mee rebus so sedap?? Well, honestly i didn't really know how to answer the question... It's just the very sedap lorrrr... haha...
I felt like ordering a plate with extra 'cucur' but my stomach was a bit full after having lunch at Bukit Gedung. Missed it but i will definitely come again on my next unscheduled trip to Penang.
Then, i took my family round USM and i must say that there's so much development now. However, some places stay the same like this stadium olahraga where we had our occasinally evening runs, fitness test, inter-desa footie and kejohanan olahraga USM where i had been to the finals of the tug-of-war competition 3 times and yielded 3 golds... haha... and I was never the anchor man in Hilton's team (imagine how big the other guys were).
What i like most here was the free flow Milo drinks served to the athletes by the ever present Milo van whenever this kind of event was held in the campus. Hey, I watched Watson Nyambek ran here too...!!!
This is how the hockey turf looks like now. Sad. Personally, it's not the best turf material around and this kind of pitch can be bumpy and the synthetic surface can be a bit hard and rough. If you wanna play on it, be prepared to get wounded whenever to fell on the pitch. I played my inter-desa hockey here for Permai with Atul Kumar wooohhhh..... He was like Cantona to MU who can score and create something out of nothing (lebey kurang arrr)....
In those days, the pitch boasted one of the best turf surface in the country when it hosted the prestigious Sultan Azlan Cup. Hey, Aiie and me saw the lagendary Mirnawan Nawawi and Sarjit Singh played on the same turf....
This was where we spent our fun time the most and in a healthy way too...!! We toiled and sweated out almost every evening culminating with get together of roller blading just before night comes and then lepak at the cafes for drinks.
Personally, i have the fondest attachment to these courts and it was here that i had developed my tennis skills and more importantly, i grew up into a man.
My character foundation was built in RMC but they were strenghten enormously at these humble and unassuming courts. This was where i had a glimpse of what real life was to be such as learning the meaning of word 'pressure' and how to handle it, to train tirelessly and get results as an individual or as a team, to develop and test physical and mental toughness, to be 0-40 down and make a comeback from behind, to develop my leadership and organisation skills, develop my social and responsibility skills, to play hard and work hard, to loose an important tie and learn from the defeat, to improve on my weaknesses and strive for perfection, dare to challenge and be challenged and most perennial it taught me to be a WINNER.
These are the kind of education which i can never learn in the many classrooms and tutorials. I guess these are the lil' big things that makes my uni life not only so good but great and fantastic. A wholesome education, i would say.
Thus, apart from my lecturers, I would like to thank many people whom i had the opportunity to work or learn through these experiences like Pak Ya, Cikgu Razak, Seok Har, Dr Rosihan, the court guardians (shit, wa lupa nama dorang siot), Pak Rahim (rocky's faher), Francis, PW clan and a host of people associated to it.
Anyway, the tennis courts in the photo are not the original courts which we had grinded and made to grind in the past because the original site was demolish to make way for the development of the current library. Well, at least we know that 'our' home courts demise had been made for a good cause and will contribute for the benefit of knowledge cultivation among the younger generations. Rest in peace...
Stay tuned as i had more delicious photos to come.
piq..masa lalu kat bridge ada rasa cam kena karan tak...yang kurus tu jalil n perut buncit tu tahir...wife aku pun tanya apa aku dok stare kat tennis court tu lama2...aku cakap aku bukan tengok court tu tapi aku punya memorable past life
rocky... betui tuh... masa nak naik bridge, tetiba jer jadi senyap... pastuh borak balik ngan bini, cite2 sket, komplen2 pasal traffic jam etc... and then, bila nak exit bridge jadik senyap balikkk... hahah.... (nih larr nostalgia syok seniri namanya)...
And true, bila tengok court tuh macam nampak imbasan2 korang semua... you can actually visualize what had happened on the courts in the past... every single detail of it.. pegang pagar tuh pon cam grip lelamer sket..
I guess having all of you as friends makes the memory much sweeter and enthralling...
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