After a whole day of sight seeing including visiting the fishing village in Teluk Bahang (the fishermen were just unloading their catch when we got there... geram gua nak fresh seafood) and wifey grand aunt nearby Waterfall Road, it was time to decide where to have dinner. Ideas kept pouring in and my brain just couldn't compute which one is the best.
Tomyam Sheraton ker, Teluk Tempoyak ker, Tari Cafe ker (unfortunately, Tari Cafe is no longer there - i saw traces of building being torn down in that area), Sany Kueh Teow ker, Gurney Drive ker, Seagate ker, Shariff Nasi Kandar ker, Bukit Gedung ker, Celup Celup ker... aiiiyaaaa.... too many places to visit in such a short time...
Finally, we landed to have our dinner here... and maybe later go for supper at Sany Kueh Teow....

I was there before 8pm and look at the queue.... as long as ever.... i waited almost 30 mins just to get a plate of nasi kandar... lamer siot.. almost everyone in the front queue had multiple orders... in the photo, i was standing under the flag behind the lady in red-T... nampak, tak?

35mins later... the queue got longer and longer... and it was drizzling..!!! i dunno what they put in the nasik kandar but it's addictive and betcha it's the best one in town (not caravan, not kayu, not line clear etc etc)

This was my reward for being patient... Nasik kandar ayam kapitan (kuah lebey arrr), telur dadar & sotong.. RM4.50... simple but delicious... i didn't order the telur sotong cos i have never liked it but two or three fellas in front of me never failed to asked for it. i know Nilki loves it too... haha.... i was hoping to order a piece of the kurma kambing but it was sold out already.
On the way to our car, i snapped this photo. The legendary "Petepap" sound was still heard when i passed the stall. Petepap is the sound of the rubber band being snapped forcefully when the stall owner ties-up the nasi bungkus.
I saw Man (is this his real name? Fassex please verify), of Nasi Ayam Barcelona. He's as 'big' as ever and i wanted to take a photo with him tapi malu larrr... haha...
Later, i went round in vain searching for Sany Kueh Teow but i couldn't find it anymore. I went tepi Sunshine Square takde, tepi hi-way takde, tepi KFC Sg Dua takde.. hmmm.... where could it be, huh? or dah tutup kedai kot...? i saw a few poser stalls but they didnt attract me as much.
Hampa dan kecewa.
Later, we checked-in at Vistana Hotel in Bukit Jambul and went straight to bed after a long but interesting day tour.
Stay tuned.
Wa tengok gambar nih pon dah naik lapar...
I bet korang leh bayangkan rasa kuah ayam kapitan tuh, kan??? arrrghhhh.....
well, oleh sebab aku lah kot dalam ramai2 ni yg duk penang lama sikit so ada a few recommendation tempat makan lain yg 'killer' on top of tempat-tempat yang upiq telah mention tadi..
1. during lunch time (in fact 1130 dah start)try Macalister Road punya nasi melayu..same row with bangunan UMNO a few blocks after pelita nasi kandar..try ikan belah belakang dia..simply out of this world,ingat lunchtime only. In fact kedai ni share dgn chinese coffee shop!
2. for breakfast till brunch pegi Transfer Road, there's a stall by the roadside mamak jual roti canai..ask for roti and daging!! ini roti canai and daging tersedap didunia. well transfer road ni area kat belakang cathay and balai polis timur laut!
3. for late nite nasi kandar...go to a small stall near masjid kapitan.. better than line clear or kassim!..well to me shariff is the king!
4. Kalau takpegi depan sheraton pun pegi depan kassim mustafa..ada tomyam sama management dgn depan sheraton punya!
5. FYI, tari cafe is still around tapi no longer kat junction tempat baru dia just a few hundred metres sebelum tempat lama kalau korang tg dari gurney drive or island plaza.
6. dalam banyak2 tempat upiq lupa nasi kampong depan 7-11(yg lama punya sebelah BSN) glugoq,ada pakcik jual nasi kampung style kalau u all ingat!
ok lah..samapi sini saja..infact aku miss penang so much!
sedappnya nasi saripp ni..tak cukup duit..beli nasi + telur dadar + tengkuk/ leher ayam kapitan ..murah 50sen.. tapi nasik tambah..
macam beli nasi kosong telur dadar (RM 1/1.50) skali beli sepuluh bungkuss..sometimes dapat kuih paprik sikit..
sebab tengok gambaq sarip..
aku dah dua hari consecutively beli kari kepala ikan..
ari ni nak bukak makan lamb chop daging..+ air mathira.
apa2 pun tingat kat sup hameed.makan sup torpedo sambil tgok gro keluaq masuk hotel...what a view celine bag louis vutton men shoes louis vuitton belts for children lentil solidarity tremor louis vuitton iphone 4 case black goggle thunderclap palate louis vuitton speedy 50 celine handbags
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