Bought this new toy and got hooked up immediately. It's a HRM. Yeah... Heart Rate Monitor. I use it each time i go for training/exercise now.
In the past, I have been exercising without knowing my lower or upper limit, thus, each time turun training, main hentam jer.. even during my days as the tennis player for USM. In those days, if i felt tired and knackered at the end of a training session, i considered that i've had a good workout. However, to achieve optimum benefit, we must structure our training programme according to our heart rate capability that matches the type of workout we are doing. Every workout has its own purpose and every workout has it's own target heart zone. Hitting the right target heart zone will ensure that you gain maximum benefits from a particular workout. The HRM will also help you to maintain your heart rate at different intensities throughout a workout.

The chest belt. Wrap it around your chest and it will detect your heart beat. The heart beat will be transmitted to the watch to get real time heart beat rate per minute (bpm).
The watch. You can vary your workout intensities by monitoring your bpm. Maintaining your bpm at the intended target heart rate zone will ensure you're training within your capability, thus, avoiding overstressing your body.
The watch also provide max, min and average bpm achieved for a particular workout. You can also measure total calories burned, thus, allowing you to monitor your nutrition intake during and after a workout.
I use it a lot nowadays. I even use it while sleeping so that i can take my resting heart rate when i wake up in the morning and i will know how much calories ive burned throughout the nite. I'm freaky, isnt it?
Without going too much into details, it is a useful tool if you wish to gauge the how much you've got out from an exercise.
I got this one quite cheap, RM125. Ciclo Sport, made in germany. Used by Boris Becker... dulu2.
boleh pinjam huh???? whenEVER i need it, i go over....lah! hehe.
Boleh blahhhhhhhhh....!!
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