The New Year gathering went off like a blast. Judging from previous gatherings, i wasnt optimistic that you guys will turn up in droves but little that i knew that a round of smses can make wonders in connecting old friends and long-time pals.
We'd agreed to meet at 8pm in Pelita, Bangsar and i left the house at about 745pm with Jeli as my bohsia jalanan pick-up. Then, we went to fetch the celebrated guest Dr Eddie (shhhh... shhh... he passed his viva, thesis and whateva s***that'll make him qualified to be a PhD holder.. he will be officially conferred the Dr status sometime this year). Anyway, three of us reached Bangsar around 830pm.
No one was there.
As usual. Tak pernah punctual bebudak nih. haihhh.... make-up terlebih kot.
Minutes later, Tabira arrived. Then, Chin Peng. Then, Toyol and wifey. A very good start and i can sense that it'll be a fruitful nite.
Lots of new faces this time.
The event was to celebrate Aiie's return to Msia for a holiday and a farewell to Eddie who is going to Antartica next week. He going South Pole, man. Yeah, South Pole it is. He will be doing a research on penguins (penguins?) with other researchers from around the world and he's representing Malaysia's scientist community. Giler beb. It might occur to you not to believe that Eddie the baby-face grunge poser is going to one of the last frontier in the world but i can tall ya that he's one of faces among the new generation of academicians that will ensure that our kids future tertiary education are in good hands plus the nation is counting on them to lift the local education standard perceived to be lagging behind and was under intensed scrutiny lately.
Anyway, baru jer kitorang duk kejap... hujannn dah turunnnnnn. So, kitorang pindah masuk dalam.

Rusty, Toyol and Stone.
Jeli (jari lembut dan suci)
& Fassek (never failed to turn up for a PW event.. caya lu.. tgh cursing Chelsea tuh)
Rockerz (dah berzaman kitorang tak jumpa ko)
Me and Tabira. Fitness freaks. Tabira demonstrating aero-bar handling position. haha..
The celebrated duo sandwiching Lara. Lara bosan ker tuh?
Chin Peng and Vincet (far right)
Stone and lovely wife. Cant remember her name but our first time meeting with her. Hope that she will join us more next time.
There were 14 of us in total. By far, our best turn out. What i liked most about the gathering was the varieties and crowd mix which cut across batchmates, origins, professions, personal interets etc. A good blend of backgrounds with similar thinking and talking on a similar wave. It would have been better if Keat, Pelepek, Araya, Ed, Muharam were there too. Unfortunately, they couldnt come due to other commitments and earlier engagements.
Anyway, see you guys next time...!!
Selamat Tahun Baru and Selamat Jalan to Eddie.
Hi guys,
Looks great... ayiee ko da mcm rock kapak lerrr.
Sorry couldn't turn up..i tot lepas sms-ed upiq..tu ok ler..alih2 aku accident lerr scott masuk gaung kecik..ngan tuannyer sekali..
minor injured ler... tgn aku sakit skit ler beb
anyway seronok...kalau dpt tgk korg semua
Scott? cam kenal jer brand tuh...Lu pon kaki beskal ker?
Rugi ko tak datang.. Jeli dapat skodeng 'cleavage' veteran mlm tuh. Makcik tuh sengaja jer tunduk depan jeli.
wah, aiie cam a hippie smoking yg lain invoked my memories...stone, rusty etc. the other one....fassek also was quite a familiar face.......
eddie kirim penguin sekor. bangga aku ex-kelas khas smk telok datok banting.
wuhuuu stone, lama tak jumpe... tu mata trademark tu...
aiie, best la ko, thn ni 2x balik msia...
next time i shud ask our other "geng baik"s to join us...maybe bleh widen up the community...
lu pnye idea besh la upiq...maybe we can go 4 picnic kat air terjun tekala ke, gabai ke... mana yag nak bawak family, bawak ler... yg dah kawin pon nak bawak g/f pon bley... ahaks!
fatin...ngko idup lagi ker?mesti ngko pon dah bulat mcm big mac kan?ahaks...!
sapa2 ingat tikuih tmn pekaka?ada jumpa/contact dia?
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