I went cycling aournd Putrajaya last Sunday. There were a lot them joining the ride and half of them i didnt know at all. I certainly had made a lot of new friends since i started cycling a few months ago. There were at least 18 cyclist started from the parking lot at Taman Warisan Putrajaya but there were only 10 left when we reached the Putrajaya toll exit towards KLIA. The rest - some got lost and some just quit due to tiredness. By the time we reached the finishing line, there were only 5 of us and the rest followed a shorter route home.

Taking a break at the Putrajaya toll. Can you see that everybody were very ganas, fully equipped with proper cyclist shorts, jersey, clipped cycling shoes and few thousands RM bicycle s except your truly. Haha... I was the only one without a jersey , wearing a self-stitched shorts (i'd sewn my own butt padding using an obsolete ironing board sponge to avoid my butt from melecet..) and tennis shoes...!! HAhah... brani betul. I was also using a mountain bike (MTB) borrowed from good samaritan Dr whom i knew from my first cycling outing (you can remember the post where i got bonked near TTDI). Kesian betull, kat i, kan...? However, the fact that i can keep up with the others shows that i've have improved considerably since the TTDI dropped incident.

Me and the trusted MTB. Look at the shadow and you can guess how hot it was. Water bottled filled-up with lemon flavoured Gatorade. I also took a Powergel to ensure that my nutrition is sufficient throughout the ride.

I mistakenly stopped my HRM watch nearing the end of the ride. The last reading was i had expenditured calories up to 2991kcal. I suspect i'd used at least another 300 calories plus another 500 calories for recovery. That's a healthy sum of calorie to burn.

Over 1hr30mins ride. Some say we had covered almost 50km. Some say we're short of of 40km. To me, it doesnt matter but it was a damn good sweating session and I had probably lost more than 2 pounds of water and fat along the way.
Later that evening, i played 3 hours or 12 sets of badminton just for muscle recovery and personal protest after watching Koo-Tan lost their match against the Koreans the day before.
i suggest this one....
I rasa Anynonymous nih is 'Upeq's fren' lar..
waaa... terror lu siot... kalu aku cycle tak sampai 1km dah pancit...
yr Damai Kasih neighbour
Good day!
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