Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Doa di pinta.....

Just to inform you guys that my beloved mother was admitted to the hospital last Thursday (1st Ramadhan) due to an unexpected rise in blood pressure and sugar level.

She was later diagnosed to have suffered from a mild stroke that causes her body system to go haywire.

She has been discharged from the hospital as of yesterday and now recuperating at home, Kajang.

She's still weak and not in the condition which i had wished for. The whole family members are going through hard time now and your kind support is very much appreciated. To those who had seen and knew my mother like Aiie, Araya & Nilki etc, you'll feel sad to see her condition now.

Anyway, if you dont mind, i pledge your kind prayers from far and wide hoping that she will recover soon and that HE will grant my mother a life with good health. Insyaallah..

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

1st skali sabar byk2..mak aku pun on off warded this past 5 yrs..same causes..time cam nih byk dugaan esply anak lelaki...slalu teman dia..bagi smangat...aku doa utk semua fmly kengkawan AKU...cepat sembuh..cepat recover..sihat slalu..amin

aiie said...

byk bersabar piq,aku doakan your mum cepat sembuh.in fact last month my dad kena benda yang sama.thats why aku tak sempat nak pegi steven punya engagement.aku tension gile time tu.
vey mild tapi the blood clot dekat speech part of the brain.he couldnt talk at all,and a bit part the the right hand punya movement.insyallah boleh recover.my dad dah boleh cakap dah even slow but much better now,tapi nak menulis tu tak perfect lagi...jgn panic and jgn putus asa piq .bagi semangat..gradually your mum akan recover insyallah.takes time..dont worry piq!!

Anonymous said...

Untuk Upiq n Famili,
Harap banyak bersabar dan tidak putus harapan dari terus berdoa. Insya-ALLAH, setiap kesakitan itu ada hikmahnya. Penyakit itu penghapus dosa. ALLAH nak tambah pahala berlipat ganda di bulan mulia ni. Disamping makan ubat hospital, harap Upiq bagi jugak supplement food untuk Mak Upiq..

izat said...

harap bersabar,semua nie dugaan dari Allah.Your mom will need all your love and support plus care.
never stop praying.....insyallah.
sometimes having your family close by you makes you stronger.take care
from izat&murni

Anonymous said...

piq, all my special prayers to her and everybody else's health in general. she will be fine, i m sure. insyallah.


nilki said...

sad to hear your story..hope it happen temporary only..
believe we are getting to that stage alr..my dad suffer breathing prob..will go for nose surgery next mth..mum getting much older..
even eli also hv high blood during pregnancy twice..
tambah lagi ngan aku asyik takde aje.. dgn parent lagi jauhh...
..my conclusion, appreciate what we hv..
wish your mum get well soon..

Upiq said...

Thanks a lot to all well wishes and the kind words...

I will definitely keep in mind the advices and use it where appropriate...

It's good to know that my friends are all good hearted people and concern on the well being of each other...

My mom has started eating, open her eyes, talking and aided walking.. i hope will continue recovering to good health...

Unknown said...

Upiq, how's your mom now? I hope she's getting better. Insyallah, she will be fit again. Take care of her...