I celebrated my hari raya at my parents house and later in the afternoon, i went to my in-laws house. For me, i had no kampung, no traffic rush, no lemang cooking on the back yard, no relatives converging at grandparents house etc etc. Maybe it's not so much adventure and dramas like others when it comes to Hari Raya holidays but celebrating Raya in town has its different attraction too.

Well, my typical Hari Raya Aidil Fitri begins with a prayer followed by a khutbah by the imam. This year the imam emphasised on human capital development and 50th annivesary on Malaysia independence. He further preached despite the physical developments that we've achieved in the past, we still have many shortfalls a long the way and Muslims in general must wake up and rise towards the many challenges that we are facing now. I heard Araya had delivered his first Hari Raya sermon and betcha, i'm proud of you friend. Next time, kalau ader majlis tahlil ker, majlis masuk rumah ker, bleh lar wa ajak lu jadik tukang baca yassin and doa...
Then, the whole family will gather around and bersalam-salaman askingfor forgiveness....
"I mintak maaf yea, kira 0-0 lar. Next year, I tak buat lagi... hehe"

This is the usual treat at my mom's house. Nasi Dagang...

Goes with tuna in yellowish coconut gravy and green chilli... gulai ikae ayor...
Topped with chicken kerutub....
Chicken satay... Haji Samuri... the best in town...

Nasi himpit, peanut sauce and sambal ikan....
weii upik..apsal gambaq ko takde lam masjid..
tak aci la lu ..makan sedap2..
aku dok opis keje..susah betul keje ngan org timur..dia nak ikut dia jer..karang ade salah ..aku gak kene..
sib baik..dah boleh isap rokok dah..
ko pi cina...tolom belikan aku timun cina, okeh...
Nilki... tuh bukan masjid arrr... surau..
gua saje jer tulih 'mosque' sbb nak test ko ngan aiie.. to see whether korang masih bleh bezakan antara masjid ngan surau... hahah...
Yupp... makan sedap gilos... siap tapau lagik...
kat china nih, makan susah gilos... but good for addiotional calorie burning... minum air kosong ngan telur rebus jer hari2..
Wah, biar betui nie, aku dah lama tak pi open house, insyallah, aku bole host bukak puasa next year ok? hopefully si aiie, nilki, upeq, eddie, araya etc boleh datang. araya boleh baca yasin etc. but this year, i managed to go to 2 open houses at my staff's place...si fun...in fact, i m eating some milky pudding given to us by our neighbour!!!! so coool!!!! selamat hari raye to all!!!!
keat la tu....
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