I didn't realise the significance of this mountain until i got to know that only 72 Emperors out of more than 2000 emperors existed during the dynasties era have made to the peak and prayed at the temples located on the Mountain. One of the greatest emperor and the first King to ever climbed the mountain to its peak was the same King that had built the Great Wall of China. It was said that only the successful emperors dare to pray at the temple or else he will embarass himself to scale the heights. It was believed that whoever managed to reach its peak will return to his home as a 'new' rejuvenated person.
We arrived at the foot of the mountain a bit late. Thus, the guide advised us not to climb up by foot or else we will not be able to come down the same day. Phewwww... I was glad but my colleague looked frustrated. It was a blow to him because the Chinese believed that the pilgrimage will not be fullfilled if the person does not complete the 7000 steps climb towards the sacred temple.
There was a bus ride until the mid-point and from thereon visitors can choose either walking up the stairs or take the cable car. I chose the cable car. The cable car ride took 20 mins to reach the top. It was high up in the air and i enjoyed the God given scenic nature.
This is the sacred temple. It is said that a person need to write his prayers and wishes on a piece of paper and a priest will complete the process. The piece of paper is then burnt to ashes and the person is given a padlock which is then he will lock at the center of the shrine. The lock symbolises that our prayers and wishes are secured and safe at the temple. The Chinese believed that prayers made at this temple are the purest of all prayers and high possibility of it being fulfilled by God.
Behind me is an ancient hotel that was used by the emperors to stay up there for an extended period in those days. The temperature was around 10C. I was standing above the clouds. Beautiful sight.
I had the chance to say my quiet prayer during sunset. I wish only good things for me, my family and my friends. for MU too. Hahah....
On the way down, we saw this sacred tree too. It was said that the first King that climbed the mountain sheltered under it from cold weather. As a result, the King rewarded the tree by making it as one of his Minister during his administration era. Sound funny, huh? But mind you, do not make fun of this in front of your Chinese friend cos it is considered as insulting. The exact tree is still exist until today and only god knows how old she is. (must be at least 2000 years old).
I completed the walk down within 60 minutes and managed to catch the last bus. Nasib baik.....
I came down with new spirits, renewed vigour and great feeling that i had completed the pilgrimage. It was not easy but the satisfaction sensation that ran through my blood at that time cannot be describe in words.
Keat - I stand corrected but i hope you can confirm whether my facts are accurate. You must go, my fren.
errrrr.....errrrr, i think u r right....ahem.
Lu punyer bukit ader camtuh tak?
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