On the 3rd day of Raya, while my family went back to Kelantan to attend my cousin's wedding...(aiie, anok moksu bi nikoh di taman sari, jalan bayam), i'm off to work. However, since Fassex was working during 1st Syawal, nilki was working too and aiie had classes to attend, thus, i shouldn't be fretting instead i should be grateful that i have been able to celebrate Eid with my families back home.
Carik makan bang...
It is an overseas assignment.
View from the air. Everything here are well organised and they adopt block-system from farming to fish ponds to industrial zones to towns etc etc.
One thing that i have noticed was that everything that they build over here is BIG. They have advanced further than Malaysia. True facts.
Pudong International Airport, Shanghai.
On the way to our factory, we had to cross the legendary Yang Tze Kiang. She is the third longest river in the world after the Nile and Amazon. I have read, learnt and watched documentaries but seeing her in action is truly believing her might. I was in awe to see the many ships criss crossing each other at her mouth. It looked more like an ocean than a river. The bridge pictured faintly at the back, is one of the longest man made bridge in Asia crossing from Shanghai to Nantong.

The ferry. Huge. Big. Humongous.
For work - my first stop is Nantong, Jiangsu Province, China. It's located 3 hours of land transfer from Shanghai and it is a sporting province, the factory which produces many of China's Olympic and World champions. One of them is Yang Yang.....
I will try to blog about my trip here as often as possible.
Ni hau ma? Hauuuu....
upeq, lagi satu.....woh ai ni!! woi chern de ai ni!! woi ai nii de pi kuu!!! try this out, it's cool...serious, no joke joke!!!
keat la tuh
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