Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Working Trip 7

The driver sent me straight to the hotel. This is the grandious and the only decent hotel available in Cangshan town. Only rich people stays here, i was told.

This is the hotel, Ban Hua International Hotel. A 3-star rating hotel. Boleh larrr... better than factory hostel.

hmmm... not bad, huh? Exceeded my expectation... finally, a good bed and a TV!! Sadly, all channels are in mandarin except CCTV9 - news. It's been a week without TV and i've missed my daily dosage of the latest sports result. btw, did MU win against Villa? Hamilton, a world champion? Springboks, how?

Toilet looks clean.

We didn't wasted any time and soon after we washed-up, we zoomed to check out Cangshan town.

Look at the traffic - cars, bicycles, jay-walkers, motorcycles... all-in-one... non-stop honking each other .... everyone seems to be using the road as they like... ikut suka m*k b*p*k dorang jer..... but surprisingly, their accident rate is lower than Kajang.. definitely way lower than Malaysia's average.

I saw the tower from far. Definitely an eye-catcher. Beautiful sight.

Paid RMB4 = RM2 and walked up to reach the base of the 10-storey tower. Nice....

I climbed the tower and reached its top. This is how Cangshan looks like - dusty or maybe misty (im not quite sure whether its pollution, haze or mist), old town but big size.

Met this guy on the way down and asked him to play me a song. Free... very antique man.

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