Tuesday, December 25, 2007

LRT ride...

Dragged wifey and son to accompany me to Jalan TAR to make my new baju melayu. Didn't bother to drive cuz i dread her traffic jam during weekends. Took LRT instead.

His first LRT ride and enjoyed himself in front of many bemusedeyes. Ishhh... tak bleh dok diam langsung... geram tul

Masjid Jamek pix taken from the station. The old and new in a symbiotic display of cohesion that shaped KL's identity.

The legendary Klang River. Funnily, i have never seen in any other than the teh tarik colour. Bila larrr gamaknyer sungai nih nak jadik jernih balik. I wish people would have taken care of the environment better and make efforts to educate the younger generations to protect it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Faiq dalam LRT dengan aksi "I'm a slaaaaaave for you!!" Hahaha!