Last Thursday, I went for my usual 5.5k run and felt weird. Body was strangely weak, legs were heavy and joint pains were creeping in. I was already struggling in the first 2km but I presevered. Felt like calling wifey for SOS and rescue me by the road side. After a few more minutes, things didnt improved much but i pushed to the limit and finished the run in sub-42mins. It turned out to be a not-so-good decision to push it to the limit - my body system brokedown.
I was constantly advised by my training buddies to always listen to your body and listening to it, i did. I went to the Dr on Fri after work (as body temperature was rising) and the Dr confirmed that i had tonsilitis which was causing the fever, flu, cough and joint pains. Dr gave some anti-biotics and lotsa rest as presrciptions. And rest, i did. No training on Friday and Saturday. Totally resting my tired body.
However, training buddy called late Saturday asking me to join him on his long run the next day. Menu : Appox 22km. I pondered and didn't give him any affirmative answer. Told him, "Bring the helmet and pump. i'l try to make it."
On the very last Sunday of 2007, i woke up late. 440am.
I was thinking, "I will not be able to join him larr, too late oredi and my body is still not fully recovered.". It is Sunday. It is suppose to be a resting day anyway. Tucking in bed and feeling lazy is normal.
I went to the toilet, did my business, sat quietly on the toilet bowl and suddenly my unconscious mind whispered to me. "The whole journey is about quitting. Not-quitting is the challenge." It's mind over matter.
Then, everything was a history.
Took a quick shower, packed my stuff, bananas, apple, water, HRM etc and off i went.

That was the actual time on my car when i left my house.... and it's am, okay. Yeah, no kidding. You saw it right. It's 513am. My buddies - they are Ironman trainees (OP Shazly and OP Stupe - former RMC boys too) called earlier and went ahead with the run at 500am and i told them to go ahead - i'l catch up later. Reached Bukit Aman car park, took out the bike and off me go. I got lost in trailing of my buddies cos they went to a different route. Thus, I had to cycle alone in darkness. Literally, alone. Except for one or two mutant runners, i was the only one on the road at that particular time. I reached our normal re-filling station (in hartamas) and called them to check their whereabouts. True enough they said that they went to another route. Shaiittt..!! We missed each other altogether.
I had to turn back and cycled to the car park again. On the way back, there were more runners on the road. I was the only one on a bicycle. Felt like a whimp but who cares. I dont care anymore. Had enough of nasty comments in the past when i started this journey. Well, at least im doing something rather than nothing. When people are still in bed dreaming, i am on the road - cycling and pumping my heart to bursting level. Call me crazy or mutant... but... it was... crazy and only mutants do this kind of things.
Got back to the carpark and met my buddies. Never felt any better. Though the coughing was still there but the early morning exercise expelled lotsa toxins along the way too.
Distance : Approx. 22km
Time : 1hr 8 mins
Calorie burned : 2536
Major improvement in timing and fitness.
Left the carpark when the sun started to greet us. Since it was still early we decided to replenish the energy with a hearty delicious breakfast.
We went to the famous Tanglin Nasi Lemak place. We were their first customers. Everything was fresh, warm and expensive..!!
Burppp... sedap.
I bought a packet for wifey and son at home. Sent the food and off me went again to the tennis court. I was again pushing myself to the limit to see how i play on a set of tired legs. Played tennis for awhile and i guessed i'm at my best fitness level since i left RMC. Went back home, tired but satisfied.
Finished of the day with a trip to my in-laws kampung and my mom's place. What a fruitful last Sunday of 2007.
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