Saturday, December 1, 2007

Golf news

Updates..baru finished games Ryder Cup...just now at Legend JB
..First time jadi organiser, MC and Player..
pretty scary as there're one Tan Sri, 2 Dato' in the line-up..challenging ..anyhow..job's done own score much better..penat buat sume benda..prizes, score cards and flight arrangement, game itself..
now only realised that become event organiser is not that easy..
next yr, me again to be organiser..but this time near KL area once i back to home in Apr..

1 comment:

Upiq said...

Macam gambar orang kerajaan siotttt...

Nilki : In future, ko bleh organize golf event for PWC too...

Suami2/laki2 sabit rumput, bini2 n anak2 leh enjoy kat club... swimming pool ker, snooker ker, lunch etc etc


Toyoto bleh sponsor lucky draw gift.. haha