hi people..
launched in the US several months ago, landed in the UK on the 9th of November! Finally aku dah ada satu..the best mobile in the world!! iPod,mobile phone,internet,YouTube ..all n your pocket!!! aku tak tahu how much its gonna be bila launch kat malaysia next year!! anyway..iphone really kick ass! Yang boring nye aku tak pasti boleh masuk maxis tak kalau balik M'sia. people, i recommend u to get yourself one bila launched kat M'sia nanti.Tiptop..better than my Treo 750v.
Rumours are saying that kat Mesia iPhone will cost around RM3k.... it will kill Treo750 as it priced similarly... it will be launcehd early next year..
kat UK brape hengget, weh? ko jual treo ko kat aku cheap2...
hehhehe...this gadget mmg smart weh! hang kena beli..best nak mampos!! well kat sini GBP269, itu HP saja..kena go for the contract with O2 only..18 months GBP35 200min + 200sms..well not so bad lah!...Treo 750v jugak ok..tapi binatang tu takde built in wifi so kena beli external receiver mcm mini SD je pun..tapi reliable for business..nak main2 sikit go for the iphone. To me Treo for windows and iPhone for Mac!
p/s: aku dgr iPhone only for 019..
GBP269??? murah tuhhh...
well, so far no announcement yet whether iPhone is for 019 only... i dont think so larrr... in blackberry, dorang rugi sbb tie-up ngan maxis only in the past...
Nnt lu balik Msia, bawak arr Treo750v tuh.. wa beli cheap2.. or lu bagiiii jelah kat wa... SD card wa beli sendiri...
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