Friday, November 2, 2007

Hoki nite..!! 2/11/2007


I have made a booking at Bukit Jalil Main Hockey Stadium tonite. You are welcome to join us for a leisure 2 hour hockey session. Booking is from 8-10pm and TTS will be held later at a nearby mamaks.

We have extra hockey sticks, extra balls and extra space for as many players as possible. Borois and peruts are regulars attendees. Come and enjoy the atmosphere plus networking opportunities....

Brings your wife, girlfriends, friends etc etc for a satisfaction guaranteed exercise workout.

See you there...!!!


aiie said...

piq, aku nak gi..aku suka main hoki..tapi aku tak terrer sgt...Dr.Brian Jayan Siva join ke tak?

Upiq said...

We played against HSBC...

We lost 5-3..

Brian takde tapi Vickneswaran, Mirnawan ngan Kevinder Singh ade...

Wa main kejap jer sbb game pace laju ngat... pastuh jadik umpire smpi habis...

This week ader lagi... tapi main sesama sendiri... kampung style... no pressure... saper2 nak main, jom arrr... (lagi2 fassek sbb umah dia dekat jer ngan stadium)