Paid this complimentary tix at the black market for less than RM70. Actual price was RM253. Cheapest retailed tix was RM83. Damn good deal, i got. Some say it's not right but rather than seeing the tix went to some Datuks or Datins or their families/relatives/friends who doesn't have a clue about tennis for free, at least i get to see the match with a genuine tix and made some so-called not-so-fortunate people a lil' bit richer on the same night.
I don't really support this but it's the same with fake DVD issue. Why would i buy an original DVD at an out-of-my-budget and senseless price when i can get the almost similar quality with a fraction of the price. As much as i respect the tremendous effort put in by the organisers to bring the stars to Malaysia for the fans.... but with the ticket pricing structure, it will deprive the real tennis fans who can't afford (like me and many others) to come and enjoy once-in-a-lifetime opportunity watching their idols playing the sport they loved most. It's a business game, you see.

Anyway, my seat was quite near to the whole action. I didn't missed a thang..!! Excited giler beb. The night started with some Malaysia styled musical funfare and followed by artiste performances. Apesal larrr organisers pilih Ruffedge for the opening act (Gegar... Gegar, Gegar, Gegar...). adushh... spoiler betul.
Then, Rafa and Gasquet came in. The crowd roared. I was standing already. Excited wehhh. Memang best. They played to a quite entertaining competitive match, some fabulous shots and i was beholded by the whole experience. In the end, Rafa won 4-6, 6-3, 6-2.
Some of the fans with VAMOS RAFA..!!! banner....

Nadal barechested (ejay jgn tgk lamer2). Can see his bulging biceps from here.
Prize giving and national anthem. There were about 8,000 fans. Najib wa the guest of honour. The stadium was 3/4 full. (i guessed more complimentary tickets are being thrown out or just sitting in somebody's office).
Nadal was patient enough to sign loads of autograph. I was far from getting his signature but near enough to take this pix.
Ader iras2 tak?
(wa cilok banner tuh. Saper nak, dtg umah)

On the way back, went for supper at the popular nasi lemak bungkus daun pisang panas at Jalan Narayanan, 223, PJ. There's no ikan bilis, no sambal cuttlefish, packed is small portion - basically, nothing special about it but the place is packed with people. I wonder why and i dunno when it was started but the place was packed like since the days i used to frequent it at least 15 years back during the heydays of Selangor and local football scene at its peak.
besos nadal!!
wa nak angkat besi lebey sket arrr from now on, nak kasik biceps berketul cam nadal...
kalu wa kat mesia..wa join lu..
semalam ade kuar TV, federer vs sampras..tengok score fight..ke fedex respect ..takut nak blasah..
best laa lu upikk...
yg aku pelik..gambar last tu..sejak biler lak Nadal makan nasi lemak..hehee siap teh o ais..
u look friggin pakistani....
Keat : Betcha, I am a pakistani blood origin with Malaysia flava.
My forefathers lived at the Pakistani border called Khyber Pass. Taliban stronghold. Freaking USA marines pon takut nak masuk sana... haha...
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